(Me, Sam, Emerson and Zan in CDE. And little Edu in the corner there.)
This past sunday I visited Villa Hayas - a small town on the outskirts of the Chaco - to visit my friend Zan. We had tons of fun talking, listening to music, chillin, and drinkin tereré. It turns out that we had so much fun, that I ended up staying for the entire week there helping out at her school/worky-job thing. It was really fun.
Zan works in this self-sustained farming school, and inside of that this biointensive research garden. She's all written up and smart about it...and I have trouble knowing which plant is the weed and which one is the flower. =] So basically I either sat there and served her the tereré or helped weed. It was TONS of fun. So during the hot chaco days I 'helped' in the garden, and then at 4.00 we were off the for rest of the day. During that time we snacked on granola and talked about basically anything. It was fuuuuunnnnnn....And now I'm in love with Zan...she's amazing, and it's cool to have a fellow Wisconsinite with me. She's definately fighting for the best friend position.
And THEN...after a few days of lonesome separation, Zan came to visit me for a few days! It was awesome having her around again. My family simply fell in love with her - wait, no. My entire HOUSEHOLD fell in love with her. The fam, the maid, the cook...bascially anybody inside my house now loves Zan. Its awesome, because she's always welcome in my house for whatever amount of time. Taking her in is no problem, because she and I fit in my bed together just fine (no need to take up extra space with another matress in the room) and plus she doesn't eat alot. So bascially, I've got a sister. Its sweet.
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